A Creative Producer from the mid Atlantic region of the US, I have made the larger World my home. As founder of the Spectacle & Mirth production haus, I build immersive projects like the internationally award winning cabaret The Marvelous Mechanical Music Maiden, The GlamourHobo Field Notes storytelling podcast, and regional arts festivals, Shenandoah Fringe & Richmond Fringe.

An overly complicated Venn Diagram of adjacent identities, I tour the world, tell stories, and play wearable musical inventions. This vaudevillian loves to sing too loud, smash class structures, and wear grand hats. 

Find me on Patreon and be an accomplice to the GlamourHobo life.

#GlamourHobo   #MechMaiden

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619 961 6941


On Facebook as Carmel Clavin

On Instagram as Carmel_Clavin

On Twitter as @CarmelClavin